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- // main.cpp - Frog Pond Listing 2
- #include <frog.h>
- main()
- {
- PMF_VV pf = &Creature::move; // bound to a virtual
- Pond walden;
- Creature *p1 = new Creature(Creature::TADPOLE,"Wiggly");
- walden.insert(p1);
- Creature *p2 = new Creature(Creature::BULLFROG,"Croaker");
- walden.insert(p2);
- walden.activate( pf ); // Tell all creatures to move
- return 0;
- }
- /---------------------------------------------------------
- // Frog.h
- #ifndef FROG_H
- #define FROG_H
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <rw/gslist.h>
- class Creature
- {
- public:
- enum type{BULLFROG,TADPOLE};
- Creature(type,char *);
- virtual void move() { object->move(); }
- protected:
- Creature() : object(0) {}// default invoked by derived
- private:
- Creature *object;
- };
- declare(GSlist,Creature)
- class Frog : public Creature
- {
- protected:
- char *name;
- public:
- Frog(char *p="Noname Frog") : name(p) {}
- ~Frog();
- char *Name() { return name; }
- virtual void move() {}
- };
- class Tadpole : public Frog
- {
- public:
- Tadpole(char *name) : Frog(name) {};
- void move(){cout << name << " Swimming jerkily\n";}
- };
- class Bullfrog : public Frog
- {
- public:
- Bullfrog(char *name) : Frog(name) {};
- void move() { cout << name << " - I'M JUMPING\n"; }
- };
- class Pond
- {
- GSlist(Creature) list; // singly linked creature list
- public:
- void activate( void (Creature::*pf) () );
- void insert(Creature*);
- };
- // this typedef must be after the class declarations
- // it may be useful to simplify declarations in the users program.
- // useful for pointing to move(void)
- typedef void (Creature::*PMF_VV)();
- #endif
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Frog.cpp
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <frog.h>
- void Pond::insert(Creature *f)
- {
- list.insert(f);
- }
- void Pond::activate( PMF_VV pmf_vv )
- {
- GSlistIterator(Creature) it(list);
- Creature *resident;
- while ( resident = it() )
- {
- (resident->*pmf_vv)();
- }
- }
- Creature::Creature(Creature::type t,char *name)
- {
- if ( t == TADPOLE )
- object = new Tadpole(name);
- else if( t == BULLFROG)
- object = new Bullfrog(name);
- else
- {
- cerr << "Invalid type in Creature ctor/n";
- exit(2);
- }
- }
- Frog::~Frog() {}